Sunday, April 17, 2011

Domperidone Day 2.

I'm not sure if I can credit the domperidone, but Lo went bottle-free from 9:30pm to 6am, with just a couple middle of the night nursings. And at 6, she didn't wake up voraciously hungry, either. Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but it's only been 2 days on the domp. Time will tell.


  1. I hope it helps and I am glad you were able to get this Rx this time around!!! <3

  2. Has domperidone been working for you? I would love to try it, I am on reglan now which helps but don't want to be on it forever due to the side effects. Unfortunately I can't get domperidone where I live, the compounding pharmacy won't even make it up.

  3. Megan, I believe the domperidone is working, to a degree. But, I have a few more weeks until it usually reaches its full effect, so it may work even better soon.
    I order my domperidone from over-seas, at Shipping is free, and you can get a good deal on the meds. I got 600 pills for $80, and if you're taking 30 mg, 3 times a day, that should last you about 2 months.

  4. And no prescription is required!

  5. Oh awesome! I was wondering about ordering online but wasn't sure if it was legit. Thanks I will definitely be ordering some. Thank you!!
    P.S. Love your blog!!
