Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Haven't been able to access my blog in a few days...

Lola is now taking all supplements at the breast, via the SNS.

I finally received my order of domperidone that I've been missing.

I went today and got acupuncture for insufficient lactation, and Chinese herbs to help with milk production (which I tried to take on the way home without water. Tasted a bit like ground up cherrios and dry cat food. And yes, I know what cat food tastes like.) . I have little pins in my pinkie fingers near the nail-bed. I can now say I have tried EVERYTHING. :) While I was receiving my acupuncture therapy, Lola nursed and nursed. We came home, and she nursed and nursed some more. Now she's napping.
I kept track of her intake and output yesterday. (It's easier to keep an eye on her urine output in cloth diapers, I think. We recently made the switch to all cloth.) Anyway, she took in 8.25 oz. of formula yesterday, and had 1 1/2 poopy diaper and 7 wet diapers (two of which were VERY wet, first thing in the morning and after a 3 hour nap.) So, she's taking in just enough to meet her needs. I don't think she's going to double her birth weight by 4 months, but she's gaining steadily; she's happy and alert, she sleeps well, she's doing just fine.

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