Friday, June 10, 2011

SNS is here to stay.

Lola has been refusing pretty much all bottles because she'd rather nurse. I know she's still not getting enough from me, because she does stop wetting diapers if I don't supplement. So, we've been using the SNS now for every supplemental feeding (every other feeding.) It's getting easier. But it's a pain in the neck to clean so many times a day. I'm going to order another one, soon.
My baby girl LOVES the BOOB!
I also FINALLY got a shipment of domperidone today. Even if it doesn't do much to boost my supply, it should keep my period at bay (which tanked my supply pretty much for good when I got it after Lulu's birth).

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that she loves boobs so much! :) Good day when a baby refuses a bottle... except in your case because she NEEDS to have help... argh- babies! BUT AT LEAST YOU GET TO NURSE MORE! <3
