Monday, June 20, 2011

So, using the SNS still has its ups and downs, but it has been getting easier.
For the past couple of days, I've been keeping a log of all Lola's feedings, and wet and dirty diapers.
We're doing great! She's having more than enough wet diapers, and she's actually pooping MORE! And she's only getting about 8 oz. of formula a day! I'm ecstatic! And I really do feel more like a "real" breast-feeder this way. She's getting all her nutritional needs at the breast!
To any moms out there suffering with low-supply, give the SNS a chance! The learning curve may be steep, but the rewards are great!
In a few weeks, I'm going to order the lact-aid. I have the medela SNS, but I've heard rave reviews of the lact-aid. And it would be great to have a back-up.

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