Sunday, July 31, 2011

Time to go from FAT to FIT!

I am tired of being fat. I've always been afraid to exert myself too much while nursing, because I'm afraid of a dip in my milk supply. I know I'll lose the weight without trying once I wean, but I don't want the reason I wean to be because I'm tired of being over-weight. So, I'm starting small, using Wii Fit at least 30 minutes a day, at least 4 times a week. I'm currently on day 2. Yesterday, I did 30 minutes of the Wii Fit and then took a walk with my daughters. So far today, I've done 30 minutes, and I think I'll do some more since the day is still young. Dieting is going to be hard while taking domperidone, because it makes me hungry all the time. But I need to stop eating so much JUNK. I know that'll help.

Beginning Measurements (7/31/2011)
Starting weight: 191.5 lbs
Starting waist: 40 inches
Starting hips: 44 inches
Starting thighs: 27 inches (thickest part)
Starting arms: 13.5 inches


  1. I am in the same boat as you. Good news is that I haven't seen a dip in my supply yet! However, it is so hard not to eat all the time while taking the domperidone and some days I am just to plain tired to exercise. I have only lost a pound so far but feel myself becoming stronger and slightly more toned! I too have felt like I want to wean or stop taking the domperidone to lose weight, but I figure I can be fat for 1yr of my life to give my baby the best nutrition. Good Luck on your journey to lose weight!! Hope it goes well for you!

  2. I think I'm going to lower my dose of domperidone. It's not really doing anything for my supply, but I want it to keep my period away. I think I'll be taking 80mg a day, and I may wean it down even more.
    I'm just SOO much heavier than I need to be. I wouldn't mind being 30lbs over-weight, but at this point, it's ridiculous (for me, anyway.) I don't have any plans to wean, I just want to be a little thinner. I don't need to lose ALL the weight while nursing, because I doubt that'll happen. I just need to be SOMEWHAT thinner. :)
