Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'm so glad I'm still nursing.

I'm so glad we didn't give up. I'm so glad she refused bottles. I'm so glad we can use the SNS and she's satisfied AT the breast.
I love the way she nuzzles me when she wants to nurse. I love when she nurses for reasons other than hunger, like when she latches on for 30 seconds or so between meals, and then gives me a huge smile as if to say, "Thanks for the snack!" I love snuggling and nursing her down for a nap. I could spend all day dozing and cuddling with her.
All the struggles, all the heart-ache... totally worth the nursing relationship we have now.

1 comment:

  1. If this was facebook I would definitely "Like" this post!! So happy things are going well!! She is a lucky little girl to have a wonderful mommy like you!
