Friday, October 28, 2011

Here's to you, ladies.

I am so blessed. While I may not always appreciate it or understand it, I have gone through these trials and tribulations for a purpose.
Having IGT has allowed me to "meet" (online, anyway) such a wonderful, supportive sisterhood of women. Women who have walked in my shoes (pumped in my flanges?), felt the same frustration, cried the same tears, and every single one of them has done the absolute best that that they could with what they had.
 I am so happy we have a place to discuss openly the ups and downs of living with IGT, free of judgement/shame/awkwardness.
And I am so glad we've found each other.

Dedicated to the Women with IGT facebook group members.

(Want to join the group?


  1. You are my inspiration Nyssa! You have helped me through my darkest days. Not 100% sure I have IGT but definitely a low supply and you have helped me more than I could possibly have imagined!

  2. <3 <3 <3 Happy to be of service!
