Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Slime Flu Season

My little girls have colds. Last night was a blur of dozing off, only to be woken up by either Lulu or Lola... or both. Lola couldn't nurse because he nose was so stuffed up. So, I'd spray some saline up her nose, and wait for it to drain. Fun fun.
I believe in the magical healing powers of homemade chicken soup, so first thing this morning, I threw some chicken thighs and some left-over chicken bones in a pot with water, garlic and ginger.
Lola hasn't had much of an appetite, so I've offered to nurse every 2 hours, but I wanted to get a little broth into her. I tried spoon-feeding and cup-feeding, but more wound up on her shirt than in her belly, so I decided to try the bottle that came with my new pump (Just a little single, manual pump I got on sale at Target.). I haven't had a bottle in the house in months.
Well, Lola thought it was very interesting, and enjoyed playing with it, and biting it, but she had no idea how to latch! I was so proud, ha ha! My baby doesn't know how to take a bottle!
I also tried it in her sippy cup, but she hasn't had much practice with that either, maybe a few sips of water here and there for practice.
In the end, I got a tablespoon or two of that magical elixir into her. I'm happy with that.

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