"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More teeth, and other new developments

Lola's cut her third tooth (with her fourth not far behind), and I am THRILLED to report that she hasn't been biting this time around. What a relief!

Lola's also been taking less supplement lately. I still offer the same amount every time, and some days she takes more than on other days, but, she's been taking about an ounce of formula per feeding most days, compared to 3 ounces per feeding a month ago. The change in my diet seems to be doing good things for my milk supply, and my energy levels are the highest they have ever been while breastfeeding!

As soon as I have a little extra money, I want to buy the book "Mother Food." You can read the author's blog on lactogenic diet here.   She, too, is an IGT mom.

I am so in love with breastfeeding. Seriously, if I could take a picture every single time we nursed, I would. I love the way her little body fits so perfectly next to mine in our favorite nursing position (side-lying.) I love the way she touches my face and looks up at me with her big brown eyes when we nurse in the cradle hold. I love nursing her in our wrap as we walk around.  I can't wait until she becomes completely mobile, and comes to me and nurses. And I love that I am finally going to nurse for at least a year (hopefully much longer), I have NO doubt about it!

Oh! And I've been signing with her for just over a week, and a few days, she signed "milk!" to me! It was awesome. I did a little baby sign language with her big brother, but skipped it with her big sister for some reason.

Well, that's all for now...

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